Pierre Péan - Edwy Plenel : Les Chevaliers du journalisme français
2015-04-16 | 0 minutes
Plot Summary
The duel between Pierre Péan and Edwy Plenel revisits some of the great moments of French political life and tells the story of more than 30 years of journalism in France. From distrust to attack, from revenge to caricature, the two icons of French journalism, Pierre Péan and Edwy Plenel, have always been at war. Everything opposes them: their working methods, their vision of the profession and even their way of being. Pierre Péan has always worked alone, in secret, while Edwy Plenel was looking for his place in the collective, heading for the upper echelons of the media... In the 1980s, both men became stars of journalism. In the 1990s, with his best-selling investigations, Péan invented his own independent business model, while Plenel became editor of Le Monde. Their exceptional careers have changed the way news is reported in France
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