Mirror for a Hero
1987-12-13 | 139 minutes
Plot Summary
Sergei and Andrei are walking through a city park and see that a film shoot set just post World War II is taking place . They climb over the park fence to get a better view but hit some cable lying on the ground and find themselves in the past - on May 8, 1949, a day which they seem doomed to relive over and over again.
Sergey KoltakovСергей Кириллович Пшеничный
Ivan BortnikАндрей Иванович Немчинов
Boris GalkinКирилл Иванович Пшеничный
Feliks StepunКирилл Иванович Пшеничный
Natalya AkimovaЛида - мать Сергея
Elena GolyanovaРоза - рабочая на шахте
Yakov StepanovСашка-танкист
Viktor SmirnovАлексей Николаевич Тюкин
Nikolay StotskiyФёдор Петренко
Sergei ParshinПухарев
Valentin Aronyanшахтёр
Aleksandr PeskovРябенко - милиционер
Elena Kozlitinaжена Сергея
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