1999-10-01 | 90 minutes
Plot Summary
The story revolves around Goya's womanising and the mysterious death of the Duchess of Alba at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th Centuries, at a time when Madrid was wobbling through a difficult time and setting the scene for the following Prim vs Crown uprising.
Aitana Sánchez-GijónDuquesa de Alba
Penélope CruzPepita Tudó
Stefania SandrelliMarie Luisa de Parma
Jorge PerugorríaFrancisco Goya
Jordi MollàGodoy
Olivier AchardGrognard
Jean-Marie JuanPignatelli
Empar FerrerCatalina Barajas
María Conchita AlonsoCondesa de Chinchón
Zoe BerriatúaPrincipe Fernando
Ayanta BarilliDuquesa de Osuna
Carlos Bardem
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