2023-05-25 | 134 minutes
Plot Summary
The story of Edgardo Mortara, a young Jewish boy living in Bologna, Italy, who in 1858, after being secretly baptized, was forcibly taken from his family to be raised as a Christian. His parents’ struggle to free their son became part of a larger political battle that pitted the papacy against forces of democracy and Italian unification.
Enea SalaEdgardo Mortara bambino
Leonardo MalteseEdgardo Mortara ragazzo
Paolo PierobonPapa Pio IX
Fausto Russo AlesiMomolo Mortara
Barbara RonchiMarianna Mortara
Andrea GherpelliAngelo Padovani
Samuele TeneggiRiccardo Mortara
Corrado InvernizziGiudice Carboni
Filippo TimiCardinal Giacomo Antonelli
Fabrizio GifuniPier Gaetano Feletti
Paolo CalabresiSabatino Scazzocchio
Bruno CarielloMaresciallo Lucidi
Walter LippaAngelo Moscati
Alessandro BandiniPadre Mariano
Daniele AldrovandiBonaiuto Sanguinetti
Fabrizio ContriAvvocato Jussi
Orfeo OrlandoRabbino Vita
A Difficult Year
My Summer with the Shark
Anthony Jeselnik: Fire in the Maternity Ward
Once Upon a Time in Algeria
Land of Silence and Darkness
After Work
The Bridge of Arts
The Secret of Little Rose
A Kiss Before Christmas
The Third Part of the Night
La quattordicesima domenica del tempo ordinario
Hai mai avuto paura?
Ae Fond Kiss...
Esterno Notte (part II)
Dark Web: Cicada 3301
The Nature of Love
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