2021-01-14 | 52 minutes
Plot Summary
The Documentary tells the story of Jane Vanini from the author's reflections on her militancy-building process. Starting with the meeting of the two during the “Jornadas de 2013”, we will look at Jane's path as we follow steps, from her hometown, Cáceres, to Concepcion, in Chile. It is the possibility of discussing this journey from a personal point of view that makes this project unique and takes us to social, political and human borders. This window is opened to us through Jane's 41 letters to her family, allowing us to glimpse nuances of her intimacy and militancy choices. It was while researching Jane's militancy that the author debated these reflections on his own militant career and the context in which it takes place. Telling Jane's trajectory, going through her family and religious formation and its implications for her activism was one of the moments of encounter between these two days.
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