2010-01-16 | 119 minutes
Plot Summary
Set in the 1990s during Japan's "band boom" era, the film tells the tale of a girl in high school, Asako, who goes to a concert and meets Natsu, vocalist of the new band LANDS. Asako ends up being the band manager, but as the band's popularity starts to soar, the band's friendship begins to suffer.
Love Letter
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Fifty Shades of Grey
Game Night
Get Out
Enola Holmes
Hidden Figures
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
Don't Worry Darling
Fifty Shades Darker
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Beauty and the Beast
Alita: Battle Angel
Ready Player One
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Mad Max: Fury Road
Jurassic World
The Tomorrow War