2009-09-05 | 132 minutes
Plot Summary
Based on the plot of an award-winning Crayon Shin-chan animated movie from 2002, a boy named Shinichi (Takei) does the time-traveling and meets a feared general named Ijiri Matabei (Kusanagi). Ijiri is in love with Princess Ren (Aragaki) who subsequently rejects an arranged marriage to Okura Itakatora (Osawa), a powerful daimyo of northern Kanto. Enraged by the rejection, Okura sends a large army to Ijiri's smaller state and it's up to Shinichi to change their destiny.
Lake Placid: The Final Chapter
In the Fade
R-Rated Idol Seung-ha's Fancy Walk
A Maine Movie
Doctor Who: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
Zach Galifianakis: Live at the Purple Onion
Scream 4
Open Grave
Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream
Brain Drain
The Hurricane Heist
Main Krishna Hoon
The String
Come Sunday
Contracted: Phase II
American Made
The Chef's Wife
A Royal Christmas
Bird Thongchai Concert #1/1988 Kaolao ThongChai (Mai-Ngok)