The Underseas Explorers
| 81 minutes
Plot Summary
A newly re-discovered classic, The Underseas Explorers is an animated educational cartoon that was first shown in 1961. A true collectors item, it has been proclaimed to be "ahead of its time." Owing to its inclusion of an "island boy" character similar to "Hadji," it has sometimes been referred to as an underwater version of "Johnny Quest." Onboard the tiny atomic submarine "Hydronaut," a small group of underwater adventurers set out to explore the oceans and circumnavigate the globe under the North Pole (the Arctic Cap). During their televised journey, they discover the original landing site of old pirates. Professor Scott meets undersea creatures including an unexpected underwater duel with an eight-legged octopus. The title has often been incorrectly referred to as: The Undersea Explorers, The Underwater Explorers, The Underwater Adventurers, Journey to the Bottom of the Sea and many others.
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