2014-08-29 | 108 minutes
Plot Summary
A Global Film Noir with dark comic elements about Silas Breece, a legendarily unorthodox business hustler who travels the world seeking capitol from bizarre investors, mobsters and government officials for a series of increasingly elaborate projects.
Alex RoccoBen Sarnus
Bruce GloverWyndham Bawtree
Dan ZukovicSilas Breece
Chris HumphreysScrope Jelliver
Johannah NewmarchMiss Iceland/Miss Ireland
Duane WhitakerDongren
Shannon WilcoxImby Sarnus
Alex ZaharaIan Fragmont
Garry ChalkBeldon Fenisher
C. Ernst HarthBruno Tornst
Kurt Max RunteFranz Exelmans
Kasey Ryne MazakTurra
Sal SortinoVico Accrosti
Ian RobisonDr. Herman Dantine
Jason AsuncionFumicore
Moishe TeichmanGerd Himmelfarb