The Romanian Musketeer
1975-10-13 | 88 minutes
Plot Summary
During the 18th century when Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir writes The History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire the manuscript is stolen and offered to the highest bidder.
Iurie DarieColonel Mihuț Gălățeanu / Captain Miguel Sao Miguel
Alexandru RepanMoldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir
Ioana BulcăLady Casandra
Irina GărdescuAnca
Emanoil PetruţCaptain Toader
George ConstantinMehmet
Victor RebengiucMonsieur De Lamar / Herr Baron
Ilarion CiobanuJean Pierre Frip
Amza PelleaThe Sultan Ahmed
Marcel AnghelescuDrăguș
Liviu CiuleiLeibniz
Dina CoceaLady Von Hermanstadt
Mimi EnăceanuFrau Rosa
Carmen StănescuA Lady
Leni Pințea-HomeagLady Braunschwig
Ion BesoiuKnight Desiree
Ion DichiseanuErasmus
Liliana TomescuTatar Slave
Ștefan TapalagăTedeski