The Second Wind
2007-10-24 | 155 minutes
Plot Summary
Gu, a famous gangster, has just escaped from jail. All french police is after him. Before leaving the country with Manouche, the woman he loves, Gu needs a final job to get some money. The job works, but a police's scheming makes Gu appear as a traitor to his own accomplices. Gu will do whatever it takes to clean his honor...
Daniel AuteuilGustave Minda, dit 'Gu'
Monica BellucciManouche
Michel Blancle commissaire Blot
Jacques DutroncOrloff
Éric CantonaAlban
Gilbert MelkiJo Ricci
Daniel DuvalVenture Ricci
Nicolas DuvauchelleAntoine
Philippe NahonInspecteur Fardiano
Jacques BonnafféPascal
Jean-Paul BonnaireThéo
Jean-Claude DauphinJacques
Gérald LarocheGodefroy