White Dew. The Return
2014-10-13 | 0 minutes
Plot Summary
After living in the city, Andrei Khodas returns to the land and settles on a farm. However, the rapidly growing city catches up with him here. A couple of young and energetic businessmen intend to buy a picturesque area for new construction and are trying to evict its few inhabitants.
Juozas BudraitisАндрей Ходос
Viktor ManaevСтрук
Pavel HarlanchukБодя
Sergey ZhbankovРусаченко
Irina Egorovaжена Андрея
Andrey MerzlikinИван, муж Галюни
Anna PolupanovaГалюня
Evgenia ZhukovichПолина
Yuliya SmirnovaАня
Tatyana GarkushaМаруся, жена Василия
Nikolai KarachentsovВасилий Ходас
Georges Devdarianiнемецкий инвестор
Anatoliy GolubФёдор Иванович, председатель сельсовета
Vera PolyakovaАнтонина Ивановна
Maksim Ponimatchenkoадвокат
Pavel Adamchikovврач
Galina KukhalskayaФаина Ивановна
Elena StetsenkoЛена
Natalya Dedeykoпереводчица
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