The Adventures of Pinocchio
1936-01-01 | 60 minutes
Plot Summary
The Adventures of Pinocchio (Italian: Le avventure di Pinocchio) was an Italian animated film directed by Raoul Verdini and Umberto Spano. Created and produced by Cartoni Animati Italiani Roma (CAIR) and distributed by De Vecchi, this cartoon was based on the famous children's book The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi. The film was intended to be the first animated feature film from Italy, but was never completed; if the film was finished, it also would have been the first cel animated feature film ever, beating Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and the first animated film adaptation based on the novel of the same name, It is now considered lost: only the original script and a couple of still frames are all that survived of the film. Currently considered a lost film.
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