2018-11-08 | 95 minutes
Plot Summary
As a result of a chain of tragic accidents on a distant planet, the cosmonaut Chapayev is left alone. His life is in constant danger. Something inexplicable, which he came into contact with, will forever change his life. From now on, he will be lost not only for himself but for the people of earth as well. And he have to die many times in order to prove that he is alive.
Alexander KulikovАлександр Чапаев (капитан корабля)
Andrey Smolyakovруководитель полетов
Yuriy Tsuriloминистр
Grigorij SijatvindaГриша Стар, телевизионщик
Maksim Vitorganсвязист ЦУПа
Anna Banshchikovaпсихолог ЦУПа
Evgeniya Shipovaведущая телеканала
Boris Moiseevпрезидент телекорпорации
Igor Ogurtsovсотрудник ЦУПа
Aleksey Ogurtsovначальник СК
Pradyumna Chatterjee
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