While Defending the Front Line
1965-05-31 | 82 minutes
Plot Summary
Volkhov Front in 1942. The young political instructor of the counter-propaganda department of the headquarters of the division Rusanov is torn to the forefront. Together with an experienced warrior — captain Shaternikov — the hero gets to the forefront and transmits from the sound transmission programs addressed to German soldiers. And in the hours of calm passes several kilometers in order to see Katya, the signal woman of a neighboring sector of the front.
Igor KosukhinRusanov
Viktor AvdyushkoShaternikov
Svetlana SvetlichnayaKatya
Vladimir BelokurovShorokhov
Aleksandr DemyanenkoRunge
Yuriy Solovyov"crossbow"
Andrey FaytPopov
Aleksandr AnisimovSanya
Georgi ZhzhyonovSergei Nikolayevich
Grigoriy Aronovgerman POW officer
Oleg Belovsoldier with the telephone
Vladimir Volchiksoviet officer
Rita Gladunkosignal woman
Nikolai GubenkoBuryanov
Sergey Dreydensoldier
Vladislav KovalkovLogvin
Vladimir KostinChernetsov
Georgi Kulbushgerman POW soldier
Vladimir Lippartmilitary storekeeper