Death Line
1991-01-01 | 99 minutes
Plot Summary
A factory worker leads a double life. In that other reality, he's a "killer" doing his dirty work. Receiving the order, he is as close to his "client", penetrating into his life before it is cut off. In parallel, it turns out that the "client" holds in the hands of three respectable women who are connected with each other by one craft - prostitution. Trying to cash in on their secret "killer" gets a feminine charms and falls victim to his greed
Vsevolod Shilovskyталантливый стеклодув-киллер Никольский Сергей Сергеевич
Innokentiy Smoktunovskiyтеневой мафиози Луковецкий
Aristarkh Livanovсутенёр-коррупционер Стяжко Николай Егорович
Tatyana Dogilevaпроститутка по вызовам, любовница генерала Киримова Зоя Анатольевна
Larisa Udovichenkoэлитная проститутка по вызову Нонна
Svetlana Tomaэлитная проститутка Елена Михайловна Серова
Veronika Izotovaподставная любовница Никольского, подручная Луковецкого Эля
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