A Breed of Heroes
1994-09-04 | 90 minutes
Plot Summary
In 1971, fresh-faced, eager for heroics, the young officers arrive in Belfast. Pelted with rocks by kids, sniped at by the IRA, they take refuge in sex, black humour and the weird rituals of the officers' mess.
Samuel WestLt. Charles Thoroughgood
Nicholas FarrellLt. Col Ian Gowrie, MC
Patrick DruryMaj. Anthony Hamilton-Smith
Robert BathurstMaj. Edward Lumley
Richard GriffithsBrian Beasely
Daniel FlynnCapt. Colin Reach
William TapleyCapt. Nigel Beale
Alexander ArmstrongCapt. Henry Sandy
Julian Rhind-TuttLt. Tim Bentink
Jonathan FirthLt. Chatsworth
Neil RobertsLt. Philip Lamb
Natascha McElhoneJanet
David BarrassR.S.M. Bone
Chris WalkerC.S.M.
Shaun DingwallL. Cpl. Van Horne
Jake WoodL. Cpl. Stagg
George AspreyLt. - Wessex Scouts
Alex WalkinshawA/C Smith 250
Ian McElhinneyFather O'Browne