Mau Jadi Apa?
There Are No Formulas or Theories to Answer This Question
2017-11-30 | 103 minutes
Plot Summary
Soleh and his friends, Lukman, Marsyel, Eko, and Fey created a campus magazine focusing on news, gossip and opinions. However, they had to deal with a campus magazine gang that already existed first.
Soleh SolihunSoleh
Aurélie MoeremansRos
Anggika BölsterliFey
Boris BokirLukman
Adjis DoaibuMarsyel
Andi Awwe WijayaEko
Ricky WattimenaSyarif
Ronal SurapradjaPanji
Tike PriatnakusumahBu Wastuti
Poppy SoviaRisma
Aci RestiDinda
Surya SaputraPak Alam
Gading MartenAmbrosius
Andhika PratamaNino
Ernest PrakasaErnest
Putri MarinoPutri
Ridwan ReminCahyadi
Budi DaltonPak Gompar
Joe P ProjectAyah Soleh
What They Don't Talk About When They Talk About Love
Scene on the River Thames
State of Things
Comfort Women
Isonzo: The War In The Mountains
Forced To Fight
Abigail Harm
The War I Knew
Heaven – Earth
Großfürstin Alexandra
Jungle Raiders
Hård klang
Tips and Tricks
Eyes, the Sea and a Ball
First Story
Aadhalal Kadhal Seiveer