Love Struck Café
2017-10-14 | 84 minutes
Plot Summary
Megan Quinn, an aspiring architect, faces multiple tasks – developing her hometown lake into a commercialized entertainment center, forcing Mrs. Frances Figgins, her childhood mentor, out of her family’s home, and helping out at her family café after her father breaks his leg, all while also dealing with the return of her childhood sweetheart, Joe, who broke her heart.
Andrew W. WalkerJoe Wainwright
Sarah Jane MorrisMegan Quinn
Garry ChalkMatt Quinn
Cassidy NugentLily Wainright
Dolores DrakeFrances Figgins
Casey MandersonCasey Manderson
Angela MooreDottie
Latonya WilliamsSt. Clair's Assistant
Benjamin WilkinsonJordan St. Clair
Jordyn Ashley OlsonMegan Quinn 18 Years Old
Nicholas BradburyJoe Wainright 18 Years Old
Jenna HastingsRosie Quinn
Lucy McNultyViolet
Albert NicholasRodrigo
Jacky LaiChloe
Chris ShieldsDr. Baker
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