The Signs and Wonders Movement: Exposed
1999-01-01 | 114 minutes
Plot Summary
Jesus said that the generation of believers alive for His second coming would be subject to the greatest onslaught of deception ever leveled at the body of Christ and that this deception would be predicated upon signs and wonders. For many professing Christians this could be the most important video you ever watch. Perhaps the best expose of many modern so-called “prophets & healers” ever made. The National Prayer Network out of the United Kingdom has done an admirable job exposing such leaders as Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, and Rodney Howard Brown, revealing that the tactics and methods they use when performing “signs and wonders” have their origin in the occult. These tapes are a sober warning for those caught up in TBN evangelists and leaders, believing them to be “anointed” men and women of God. Speakers include: Andre Kole, Brian Edwards, Dave Hunt, Mark Haville, Ole Anthony, Dr. Peter May, Philip Foster, Roger Oakland and Dr. Stephan Sizer.
A Question of Origins
Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Divorce French Style
The Wife
Hot Summer Nights
Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animation
The Laws of Thermodynamics
Holiday on the Buses
Hidden Kisses
Beyond Outrage
My Mother's Castle
Roommates Wanted
The Marine 3: Homefront
Ismael's Ghosts
Drumline: A New Beat
Keep an Eye Out
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