2016-09-15 | 84 minutes
Plot Summary
"Laia" is located in the imaginary village of Sinera, a fishing village inhabited by a series of extreme characters, indiscriminately diverted to the adversities of destiny. There, Laia lives, a woman marked by a miserable and unhappy childhood, that is debated between her cruel husband and lover who is his best friend and faces the hatred of a whole town while dreaming of a freedom that only the sea can grant.
Miranda GasLaia
Roger CasamajorEsteve
Miquel FernándezAnton
Vicky PeñaMare Laia
Montserrat CarullaFragata
Anna CasasPaulina
David Martín SurrocaPescador del siglo XIX
Claudia BenitoAnneta
Joan CrosasFenoses
Boris RuizEndalet
Pep SaisSagristà Ventura
Pep CruzMossèn Gaspar
Itziar CastroCoixa Fita
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