1931-04-26 | 90 minutes
Plot Summary
In the South Seas, a half-caste island girl refuses to follow tradition and marry a fellow islander, instead falling in love with a white man and heir to an American fortune.
Ben LyonJimmy Bradford
Raquel TorresIlanu
Robert EdesonJames Bradford, Sr.
Alan HaleStevens
Thelma ToddWinifred Bradford
Ena GregoryElaine Marvin
Otis HarlanOld Ben
T. Roy BarnesJohnny Marvin
Robert EllisLarry Leavitt
Donald ReedKahea
Al St. JohnSailor
Dickie MooreJunior Bradford
Marcia HarrisGoverness
Addie McPhailRosalie
Phyllis CraneDixie
Rita ReyNative Girl