Big Deal
1977-06-13 | 116 minutes
Plot Summary
Pawlak and Kargul - neighbors, frenemies, and grandfathers to Ania- both receive invitation to America from Pawlak's brother- John. All three of them travel to Chicago, where they discover John has passed away, and they arrived just in time for his funeral. But first- they need to find his illegitimate daughter. Set in late 70's story of two, charming, Polish villagers' adventures in Chicago is a third installment of Pawlak and Kargul adventures.
Władysław HańczaWładysław Kargul
Wacław KowalskiKazimierz Pawlak
Duchyll Martin SmithShirley Gladys Wright
Robert Lewandowskimister September
Joseph SlowikJohn Pawlak's friend
Anna DymnaAnia Pawlakówna-Adamiec
Irena Karelpasażerka
Maria ZbyszewskaMania Pawlak
Halina Buyno-ŁozaAniela Kargul
Kazimiera Utrata
Andrzej WasilewiczZenek Adamiec
Henryk TalarKsiądz
Bogdan KocaSeptember junior
Aleksander Fogielmayor
Jan Pietrzakprezenter radiowy
Stanisław Gawlikgość pogrzebowy
Lucjan Dytrych
Marian Łączwłaściciel zakładu pogrzebowego
Zygmunt BielawskiPaweł Pawlak (uncredited)