2015-05-13 | 99 minutes
Plot Summary
The story follows a 16-year-old Icelandic boy, Ari, who lives with his mother in Reykjavík. She has to leave the country for a new job, sending him back to the small town of his youth. There he finds his old friend, suddenly a young woman with a tricky romantic relationship; and his father has become a victim of the financial crisis.
Atli Óskar FjalarssonAri
Ingvar E. SigurðssonGunnar
Kristbjörg KjeldGrandmother
Rakel Björk BjörnsdóttirLara
Pálmi GestssonDiddi
Rade ŠerbedžijaTomislav
Arna Magnea DanksBassi's onkel
Jarkko LahtiDarijo
Arndís Hrönn EgilsdóttirVera
Nanna Kristín MagnúsdóttirKristjana
Katla M. ÞorgeirsdóttirÖsp