The Soimaresti Clan
1965-04-12 | 137 minutes
Plot Summary
Vying for Principality of Moldavia's throne the descendants of Prince Stephen the Great start a bloody civil war in 1612.
George CalboreanuMoş Mihu
Ștefan CiubotărașuStroe Orheianu
Colea RăutuTemir Bei
Dina CoceaElisabeta Movilă
Mihail Vasile BoghițăTudor Şoimaru
Ion BesoiuŞtefan Tomşa
Amza PelleaSimion Bârnovă
Ioana DrăganAniţa
Dem RădulescuLie
Ernest MafteiIspas
Gheorghe MăruțăNicoriţă Armaşu
Toma DimitriuUreche
Fory EtterleCoribut
Florin PiersicPrinţul Minski
Alexandru Virgil PlatonIancu
George Aurelian
Costache AntoniuHangiul