Vares: The Sheriff
2015-01-07 | 91 minutes
Plot Summary
Jussi Vares find two bodies of Turku outskirts of women, which has been shot in the head, and the man whose body is full of runes similar to the cuts, which suggest that the murder would have been part of the dark ritual. A year later, Vares is hired to investigate these homicides. Cable Wires take Varesta towards Turku underworld dominant invisible godfather, sheriff. Sheriff is the man whom nobody knows and we do not discuss. Vares drifts dangerously close to the "jury", the secret underworld lord clubs, the members of the human spirit is a cheap commodity. Rummaging through the case Vares get too close to the truth.
Antti ReiniJussi Vares
Jasper PääkkönenKyypakkaus
Jukka PuotilaSylvi / Rikhard Rantala
Karoliina BlackburnMilla
Miska KaukonenPekka Koskenlaskija
Jukka-Pekka PaloKalle Shostakovitsh
Jarmo PeräläSeppo Räihä
Konsta MäkeläMartti Susimaa
Hannele LaaksonenKreetta Valkama
Robert EnckellNiilo Rantala
Mikko KoukiRuuhio
Mika KujalaViktor
Ilkka HeiskanenMarkku Hautavainio
Matti OnnismaaPastori Alanen
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