1976-06-07 | 105 minutes
Plot Summary
In Seville during the 1970s, Manuela, a furtive hunter’s daughter, marries the servant of rich Don Ramón, who is in love with her. With her natural beauty and sensuality, she attracts all sorts of passions, along with the conflicts that derive from them.
Charo LópezManuela
Fernando ReyDon Ramón
Máximo ValverdeAntonio
Carmen PlateroPurita
Mario PardoAntoñillo
Fernando Sánchez PolackEl Moreno
Pilar MuñozLa Jarapa
Agustín NavarroFernando
Manuel GuitiánDon Angosto
María VicoMujer de Don Ramón
Paloma CelaPura
Luis BarbooEl Jarapo
Víctor IsraelAguacharco