Selling Hitler
1991-06-11 | 256 minutes
Plot Summary
In 1981, Gerd Heidemann, a war correspondent and reporter with the German magazine Stern, makes what he believes is the literary and historical scoop of the century: the personal diaries of Adolf Hitler. Over the next two years, Heidemann and the senior management figures at Stern secretly pay 10 million German marks to a mysterious 'Dr Fischer' for the sixty volumes of 'Hitler's diaries'. However, to the dismay of all, it is discovered after the publication of first extract that the diaries are crude forgeries, faked by Stuttgart criminal Konrad Kujau.
Jonathan PryceGerd Heidemann
Alexei SayleKonrad 'Conny' Fischer
Alan BennettHugh Trevor-Roper
Tom BakerManfred Fischer
Alison DoodyGina Heidemann
Roger Lloyd PackDavid Irving
Richard WilsonHenri Nannen
Peter CapaldiThomas Walde
Julie T. WallaceEdith Lieblang
Barry HumphriesRupert Murdoch
John ShrapnelGerd Schulte-Hillen
Alison SteadmanEdda Goering
Frederick JaegerFritz Stiefel
Olivier PierrePeter Koch
Thomas WheatleyJan Hensmann
Philip FoxLeo Pesch