1987-07-01 | 92 minutes
Plot Summary
Set in and around the fictional town of Kapua in 1948, Ngati is the story of a Māori community. The film comprises three narrative threads: a boy, Ropata, is dying of leukaemia; the return of a young Australian doctor, Greg, and his discovery that he has Māori heritage; and the fight to keep the local freezing works open.
No. 2
Crime in Connecticut: The Story of Alex Kelly
The Phantom Stockman
Main Krishna Hoon
Divers at Work on the Wreck of the "Maine"
Alone in Berlin
Miracle on Everest
She Devils of the SS
Groot Takes a Bath
Gasping for Air
Bird Thongchai Concert #1/1988 Kaolao ThongChai (Mai-Ngok)
Marty Feldman: Six Degrees of Separation
Liberation: The Last Assault
J. Lo: Let's Get Real
City Hunter
Painting for the main bedroom
Next Exit, Main Street