Le nèg'
2002-09-11 | 92 minutes
Plot Summary
In the middle of the night, in the Québec countryside, all hell breaks loose as a black teenager is caught smashing a racially denigrating lawn ornament. Together the neighbours attend to justice against the vandal. Thorough the night there is mounting racism, fueled by alcohol, and violence. Le Nèg' opens the morning after when the police investigators arrive at the scene to take depositions.
Iannicko N'DouaThe Negro
Robin AubertTaton
Emmanuel BilodeauCanard Plourde
Vincent BilodeauGarry Racine
Sandrine BissonSamantha
Jean-Guy BouchardBertrand
Claude DespinsJacques Plante
René-Daniel DuboisPolo
Béatrice PicardCedulie
Isabelle VincentDoctor
Sylvio ArchambaultBadaud
Dorothée BerrymanFemme de ménage
Serge BradetPolicier
Gaston CaronCoroner
Robert MorinPolicier identification
Jacques GirardBadaud
James RaeHans