Children of Glory
2006-10-23 | 115 minutes
Plot Summary
Children of Glory will commemorate Hungary's heroic Revolution of 1956, and takes place in Budapest and at the Melbourne Olympic Games in October and November of that year. While Soviet tanks were destroying Hungary, the Hungarian water polo team was winning over the Soviets in the Olympic pool in Melbourne, in what has been described as the bloodiest water polo match in history.
Kata DobóViki Falk
Iván FenyőKarcsi Szabó
Sándor CsányiTibi Vámos
Károly GesztesiTelki edzõ
Ildikó BánságiKarcsi anyja
Tamás JordánKarcsi nagyapja
Viktória SzávaiHanák Eszter
Zsolt HuszárGál Jancsi
Tamás KeresztesÁcs Imi
Péter HaumannFeri bácsi
Krisztián KolovratnikFazekas Sándor (Frank)
Antal CzapkóProkop
Kornél SimonAbonyi Gyula (Báró)
Róbert MartonKardos Márton (Compó)
Attila SzatmáriÁVH tiszt
Zsolt Nagy