This Fantastic World 8
1984-04-02 | 0 minutes
Plot Summary
Fragments of the stories were dramatized: R. Bradbury “I Sing About the Mechanical Body” (about the work of an electronic grandmother who, having human qualities, gives tenderness to children deprived of maternal affection) and I. Varshavsky “There are no alarming symptoms” about Professor Clarence, who agrees to an operation that deprives him of human emotions.
Eglė GabrėnaitėЭлектронная бабушка
Elena MorozovaАгата
Juozas Budraitisпрофессор Кларенс
Romualdas Ramanauskasотец Агаты, Тома и Тима
Laimonas Noreikaвзрослый Том
Henrikas Kurauskasвзрослый Тим
Monika Mironaitėвзрослая Агата
Vaiva MainelytėЭльза
Gediminas GirdvainisКребс
Vytautas TomkusЛеруа
Algirdas SabalysФанточина
Tadas DilisТом в детстве
Georgiy Grechkoведущий
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