The Last Kiss
Love. Sex. Surrender.
2001-02-01 | 115 minutes
Plot Summary
Giulia and Carlo have been happy together for three years, but Giulia's announcement that she is pregnant sends him into a secret panic. Terrified at his imminent entry into the adult world of irreversible responsibilities, Carlo finds himself tempted by a bewitching 18-year-old girl, Francesca, whom he meets by chance at a wedding. The possibility of one last youthful crazy fling before the impending prison of parenthood proves to be too attractive to resist.
Stefano AccorsiCarlo
Giovanna MezzogiornoGiulia
Stefania SandrelliAnna
Martina StellaFrancesca
Claudio SantamariaPaolo
Giorgio PasottiAdriano
Marco CocciAlberto
Pierfrancesco FavinoMarco
Sabrina ImpacciatoreLivia
Regina OrioliArianna
Susanna JavicoliLuisa
Vittorio AmandolaMimmo
Daniela PiazzaVeronica
Lina BernardiAdele
Ines NobiliGemma
Piero NatoliMichele
Luigi DibertiEmilio
Sergio CastellittoProf. Eugenio Bonetti
Giulia CarmignaniMariposa
Giulia Louise SteigerwaltFrench Institute girl
Kiss Me Again
April Captains
Prom Night III: The Last Kiss
Happy Accidents
Sexy Comedy
Caprice Italian Style
Masha e Orso - Amici per sempre
La vita facile
His Secret Life
There's No Place Like Home
Remember Me, My Love
Manual of Love 2
Different from Whom?
Eccezzziunale... veramente
Don't Kill Me