Chinese Tea-Set
2000-01-03 | 98 minutes
Plot Summary
The film is set in 1913 Russia during the celebrations of the Tricentennial Anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty. Rich Russian merchants are celebrating their wealth by gambling and playing poker. They are traveling aboard the luxurious cruise liner "St. Nikolai" on Volga river, oblivious to the fact that several gangs of crooks and con-artists are stealing their money in the game. Their target is the wealthiest Russian tycoon Satanovsky.
Anna SamokhinaЗинаида Волошина
Oleg YankovskiyДмитрий Петрович Строганов
Sergey NikonenkoАрсений Мышко
Vladimir MenshovФрол Аверьянович Сатановский
Sergei BezrukovНиколай Сидихин
Sergey GabrielyanПантелеймон Суматохин
Bohdan StupkaЛапшин
Irina Bezrukovacountess
Maksim LagashkinОфициант
Vladimir EpiskoposyanАбрек
Vladimir Demidov
Andrei Davydov
Yuriy Dumchev
Aleksandr Makarov
Ekaterina Stulova
Natalya Bochkareva
Igor Klimov
Sofya Gorshkova