Nobody Leaves Alive
2024-07-11 | 87 minutes
Plot Summary
“Nobody Leaves Alive” by André Ristum is shot in beautiful but also distancing black and white. Looking at the Venice line-up, this seems to be a trend this year among the maestros of cinema. The film is inspired by true events that took place in the last century in the “Colonia” hospital in Brazil. Whoever didn’t fit the standards of society, or their family’s perception of it, was locked away, tortured, and killed. There were altogether more than 60,000 victims. Hope dies last, and some of the inmates don’t give up the fight. We’re reminded of film classics such as “One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest” or “Alcatraz”.
Fernanda MarquesElisa
Augusto MadeiraJuraci
Andréia HortaValeska
Rejane FariaWanda
Arlindo LopesGilberto
Naruna CostaLaura
Bukassa KabengeleRaimundo
Aury PortoDr. Carlos
Marcelo LahamFreitas
Paulo AméricoAntônio
Lilian de LimaRomilda
Ana KutnerRosana
Rafaela MandelliAntonieta
Henrique SchaferJulio
Augusto TrainottiPedro
Samuel de AssisRicardo
Vanderlei BernardinoPrefeito Genésio
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