Day of Miracles
The Miracle Survivors of 9/11/01
| 0 minutes
Plot Summary
"Day Of Miracles" is the Documentary about the "True-Life-Survivors" of the event at the New York Twin-Towers on September 11, 2001. The "Stars" are the actual survivors of 9/11: Sujo Jon was in Tower One when the first plane crashed just above his head. He was able to lead a group of people down the staircase while the exterior of the building peeled like a banana. He then found out that his pregnant wife was in Tower Two. Janelle prayed for God to help her and the next day she was the only one alive and was discovered standing up asleep, amidst the rubble! Tom & Deena Burnett had a vision that he was going to die young and for the White House. He was one of the brave men that downed the plane in Pennsylvania.
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