Hankyu Railways - A 15-Minute Miracle
2011-04-29 | 119 minutes
Plot Summary
"Hankyu Densha" follows the lives of various people who commute on Hankyu Railway's Imazu Line - connecting the cities of Nishinomiya and Takarazuka in Hyogo prefecture. One of the commuters is Shoko (Miki Nakatani), an office worker in her 30s who lost her boyfriend to a younger colleague. There's also a college student (Erika Toda) who is so easily persuaded by her no good boyfriend. Other commuters include a grandmother & granddaughter, a house wife, a female high school student, and a female otaku college student. Although the train ride takes only 15 minutes between two stations, the lives of these commuters are changed as they interact with each other...
Miki NakataniShoko Takase
Erika TodaMisa Morioka
Nobuko MiyamotoTokie Hagiwara
Kaho MinamiYasue Ito
Tetsuji TamayamaRyuta Toyama
Ryo KatsujiKeiichi Kosaka
Mana AshidaAmi Hagiwara
Mitsuki TanimuraMiho Kentahara
Yū KoyanagiKatsuya
Saki AibuMayumi
Kasumi ArimuraEtsuko Kadota
Tsutomu TakahashiKengo
Suzuka MoritaEtsuko's Friend
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